Author: Hochstadter, Isaacson, Cherny, Dumanis & Associates Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Ltd.

Wisdom Teeth Extraction – Will You Feel Any Pain?


wisdom tooth impacted oral surgeon sedation dentistry Park Ridge

Wisdom teeth extraction is typically considered to be a pretty complicated procedure which involves the surgical extraction of wisdom teeth that are difficult to reach. Wisdom teeth are located in the back, behind your regular set of teeth, and are often removed when it’s necessary, either because of misalignment or discomfort.


Because of the placement of the teeth and the depth of the roots, wisdom teeth removal requires oral surgery. Even though the surgical intervention is standard and not too difficult, sometimes strong sedatives are still required to keep patients from experiencing pain.


When you get a wisdom teeth extraction, you won’t feel any pain because of the standard use of sedation dentistry which has been perfected for the procedure over years of practice. Nevertheless, sedatives affect different patients differently, so it’s possible that your reaction to them could be slightly different from that of other patients.


Nevertheless, with the help of local Illinois oral surgeons and sedation dentistry experts for Park Ridge wisdom tooth extraction, it’s possible (and not at all difficult, in fact) to find the correct sedation method to ensure that the entire procedure will be 100% painless. Although you might need a few hours to recover fully from the effects of the sedatives, the high rates of success of wisdom teeth extractions often mean that you won’t feel a thing. The most uncomfortable part of it will likely be the recovery process, which typically lasts a few days at most.

Tips for Getting Ready for a Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Quick Tips Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure


Even though wisdom teeth removal is a generally standard procedure that rarely features any complications, it pay to be prepared beforehand. Illinois oral surgeons will warn you about the effects of the sedation process immediately after the procedure, as well as the long term effects of the recovery process, which may require you to take certain types of medication, stick to soft foods, and take time off work – depending on the nature of your profession.


The first thing to consider is to ask your dentist about the medicine you have to take and the dietary changes you’ll have to make during recovery. Then purchase the foods and medicine you will need. Also, make sure you take off work for at least 1-2 days or more, if possible and necessary, depending on the recommendations of your oral surgeon.


The surgery required for wisdom tooth removal Buffalo Grove clinic offers will need you to be sedated, and the aftereffects of the sedation can last for hours. You will have to get someone to go with you and drive you home, and you’ll have to plan on being able to rest and sleep, if possible, for at least a few hours after you get home. That way you can avoid a lot of the discomfort and difficulty associated with the sedatives wearing off while you’re awake in a less tranquil atmosphere.

How Can Illinois Oral Surgeons Help Patients Feel No Pain During Dental Treatments?


dental implant skokie tooth extractions painless procedures

Whether you need oral surgery as part of wisdom teeth extraction or dental implants, a dental implant surgeon Skokie is home to can tell you that pain is no longer a necessary factor that you should fear. Although in the past, sedation methods were lacking and unable to prevent pain completely, these days dentistry experts have much greater control over the reduction of pain involved with even the most invasive oral surgery procedures.


There are varying levels of sedation employed by dentists and oral surgeons that may or may not be appropriate in all cases. For children and in the case of general dentistry procedures that are not too lengthy or invasive, oral sedation is used most frequently to reduce or eliminate pain quite efficiently. There are a number of drugs and sprays used as part of that approach, and heavier IV sedation is not always needed as an alternative, even when a lengthier surgical intervention is necessary.


Nevertheless, IV sedation is necessary sometimes, as it can ensure better control over the sedation process as well as increasing the long term effects and intensity of the sedation itself. Modern IV sedation methods can also keep you alert and responsive, and only target the pain, while keeping your mind relaxed throughout the procedure.

Oral Care Tips from Illinois Oral Surgeons


Oral Health Care Tips Surgeons HICD

Oral care is usually something that your dentist will talk about loosely. However, if you want to get more information, you’ll find that Illinois oral surgeons will be able to provide you with a lot more insight. Here are just a few of the tips put forward by professional surgeons that you should follow if you don’t want to end up having to actually get dental surgery for whatever reason:


  1. Never neglect your teeth or your regular checkups. You might feel like you can relax if your teeth are in good condition right now. However, neglect is the surest way to lead to cavities, gum disease and a whole host of other complications.
  2. Flossing is better than any other method of oral care. This is something almost every dentist will tell you, and most oral surgeons will also point out that flossing is the most likely practice to help you avoid the necessity for surgery in the future.
  3. If you’re scared of surgery, consider talking to a dental sedation expert. Sedation has evolved a great deal in recent years, and can now be used as part of relaxation dentistry practices to keep patients alert but calm during surgeries.
  4. Discuss the option of surgery openly with your dentist. Even if you’re scared of getting oral surgery, consider being open with your dentist about it. Most of the time, your fears will turn out to be unfounded, but the very real threat of dental decay and diseases related to poor dental care can lead to much greater complications over time.  For some of the best in oral care, see

Signs That It Is Time to Make an Appointment with an Illinois Oral Surgeon


Chicago Illinois Oral Surgeon Appointment Time

A lot of people tend to confuse dentists with oral surgeons and consider one to always be able to handle the responsibilities of the other. This isn’t always the case, and an experienced Chicago Illinois oral surgeon is known to handle cases that are a lot more complex than a simple extraction or root canal.


If you have a toothache and you haven’t been to the dentist in more than a year, the first step you should take is to visit your regular practitioner as soon as possible for a checkup. Chances are you will need to get an extraction if you have a bad enough cavity, but if the problem hasn’t affected the root and you don’t need an implant, then you won’t have to visit an oral surgeon.


If you want to get an all-on-four dental procedure or some other type of implant, or if your extraction involves complications or a standard surgery as used in the case of wisdom teeth extractions, then you should already prepare yourself for the possibility of finding a good oral surgeon.


Although cosmetic surgeries are also dental surgeries, these types of procedures are not typically considered to be the same as surgeries necessary for health improvement. However, many dependable Illinois dental surgeons also handle cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries as part of their practice.

Use These Simple Tips to Calm Yourself Before Oral Surgery


Relax Relief HICD Oral Surgeons

Preparing for oral surgery can be stressful and it can cause a lot of fear and anxiety in patients who have either never gone through it before, or who had a previous negative experience with dentists. To get over or at least diminish that fear and stress to some extent, consider the following simple but potent measures:


  1. Deep breaths might be considered a trivial measure that doesn’t do much, however, they can help you a great deal right before any kind of dental procedure. Breathing is an activity we do every second of every day, so it’s the easiest to use if you want to condition or decondition your mind from focusing on the worst things. Deep, slow breathing and abdominal breathing is often used by yogis to quiet their minds and let go of doubt before engaging in trying physical activities.
  2. Listening to calming music or playing some of your favorite tunes either at home, or in the car, on your way to the dentist’s office, might really help you feel at ease. The right music and sounds have a mysterious way of helping us feel soothed and calm, sometimes music even being known to affect physical functions in the body, such as regulating blood pressure.
  3. Practice journaling to get all those negative thoughts out of your mind and onto paper, where they can no longer cause you any trouble. Journaling is an excellent way to order our thoughts and make sense of them, sometimes even working to calm anxiety and break down negative thought patterns and behavioral patterns that we were never even aware of before.  Most importantly see oral surgeons from places like HICD for a truly professional dental experience.

How Long Does It Take to Recover After a Wisdom Tooth Extraction?


Real Time Recovery Wisdom Tooth Extraction Procedures

Since each person is different, recovery time after dental surgery in general can vary. Some surgeries are a lot more complicated and difficult to recover from compared to others. However, if you’re thinking of getting a wisdom tooth extraction, you’ll find that things are not as bad as you might have feared.


A wisdom tooth extraction Highland Park area is a relatively common procedurethat can, however, become pretty complicated. You might just need to have one of your wisdom teeth removed, and the access to it could be pretty straightforward. On the other hand, you could need a more advanced intervention that lasts longer and is more invasive. Additionally, if the problem was allowed to deteriorate over time and you’re also dealing with an infection and other complications, then it’s likely that both the procedure and the recovery time will be more problematic.


Most people recover within 4 to 7 days after a wisdom tooth extraction, provided that they abide by the appropriate after-care. However, that interval may extend to 2 weeks for a full recovery on average, especially if there are some complications. Even if everything goes well and the recovery process is smooth, your dentist will likely still recommend that you take it easy for up to 2 weeks.

How to Prepare for a Tooth Extraction


wisdom tooth extraction sick teeth removal replace dental surgery

So you have to get a tooth extraction, and you’re anxious, not even knowing where to start or how to prepare. The good news is that you won’t need to do much more except show up and follow your dentist’s instructions. However, it is important to be prepared prior to the extraction – both mentally and physically – so you don’t run into any unwanted or unexpected problems, the same is true for wisdom tooth extraction Park Ridge dental offices perform.


First, it’s essential that you be rested and physically relaxed. Make sure you don’t perform any high intensity physical activity right before you go to your appointment. Also, fasting is good practice, as it can prevent the nausea and possible stomach issues that the patient could experience during the procedure. Although this isn’t always necessary if you’re getting a local anesthetic, fasting for about 12 hours prior to your procedure is usually the way to go.


Mental preparation might also be necessary, as anxiety and feelings of dread have a way to creep in even if you do get some form of mild sedation such as a local anesthetic. It’s good practice to meditate and relax while taking deep breaths a few hours before your appointment. If you’re fasting, that might also help, as factors such as increasing blood sugar and hyperactivity after eating something sweet will not be a problem at all.


In many cases, relaxation dentistry will, of course, be able to provide you with the relief you need. However, if you just get a basic tooth extraction, chances are you won’t even need it to feel more at ease, as long as you continue with the aforementioned recommendations.

What Should I Do Before Dental Implant Surgery?


What Should I Do Before Dental Implant Buffalo Grove Surgery

Prior to getting dental implants, it’s important to consider what the procedure might entail and how complex it is. A single implant is not usually a big issue unless there are complications. However, even if you don’t have to recover from a previous surgical intervention and dental implant Buffalo Grove surgery is mostly routine, it’s still important to consult your dentist about what to expect and what you need to do.


The first thing you have to consider is that you need to get a comprehensive dental examination. Scheduling your initial consultation is only part of it. Depending on their findings, your dentist might recommend a different approach, or might require you to get an x-ray and more tests, before they confirm that implants are the right choice for you. In some cases, your dental practitioner might even recommend measures like starting a course of antibiotics, when necessary.


You also have to prepare your mind and body for the procedure and schedule some downtime that could extend to much of the recovery period as well. After-care can be very important, since failing to allow your teeth to recover properly after the surgery could lead to further complications and health issues. Be sure to ask your oral surgeon about that, and to talk to them about any additional concerns you might have regarding the procedure itself, your implants, the sedation process or anything else that you want to clarify.

How Do Illinois Oral Surgeons Approach Cosmetic Dental Surgery?


Oral Surgeon Cosmetic Surgery Dental Chicago Illinois

Cosmetic dental surgery is one of those practices that most people don’t know whether to classify as a health practice or one that focuses primarily on aesthetics and appearances. Although cosmetic dental surgeries are designed to give you back your smile and realign your teeth, they also have to do a great deal with health improvements, and a reputable oral surgeon Chicago Illinois has to offer are the best people to talk to about that.


The approach of cosmetic dental procedures in Illinois is very different when compared to most other places. Here, dentists are extremely aware of the risks that improper surgery can lead to, and will rarely if ever recommend a procedure if it’s not a necessary one. Of course, one could argue that a few misaligned teeth, a missing tooth or a jawline that’s slightly out of alignment shouldn’t normally warrant the use of surgery. However, each case is different. Experts in Illinois will know when to recommend that you get a cosmetic dental surgery, or opt for something like Invisalign, to correct the alignment of your teeth to a small extent.


If you truly want your cosmetic dental options to be provided by the most professional experts, you can rely on your friendly local Illinois dental professionals to steer you in the right direction.