Are Quality Implants Good for Oral Health Long-Term?


Quality dental implant mimic natural tooth


Dental implants are today considered to be the best, most durable dental replacement solutions, so here are a few arguments to convince you that good quality implants are indeed an excellent choice for your long-term oral health: 

  • Individual teeth that fit perfectly – unlike other dental replacement solutions, such as dentures or bridges, a Highland Park dental implant works every bit like a natural tooth. Dental implants consist of the same components as natural teeth; they have a titanium pole for a root and a crown made from durable material to provide the tooth’s visible part. Consequently, dental implants do not move and shift, and they do not let food residues get where they shouldn’t. Therefore, they are the best alternatives to natural teeth and excellent solutions to prevent gum disease.
  • ·       Durable solutions that prevent oral health issues with the other teeth – with proper care, dental implants can easily last for over 20 years or even longer. Dental implants also make dental cleaning more efficient, thus helping you maintain the health of your other teeth as well.
  • ·       Good for the gums – dental implants stimulate the body’s ability to produce healthy burn tissue, being great for preventing bone loss in the jaw area.


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